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- Camila Cabello is featured in a new music video, and she is giving off all kinds of cool girl vibes.
- In the video, the singer, 25, showed off her super strong legs in a lacy, white nightgown while perched on top of an ambulance.
- Camila is all about body-positivity, and she works out with a trainer to get strong.
Not only is Camila Cabello featured on a fire new song by Camilo, “Ambulancia,” but the pop star is also taking a moment to show off her super strong legs in a new music video for said song.
In the video, viewers see the two riding on top of an ambulance, where they’re having what looks like a romantic picnic on top of the truck. Camila is rocking a lacy, white nightgown with an oversized flannel and she’s giving off a whole lot of cool girl energy. Her hair is tousled just so, and she is super toned all over.
In case you haven’t had a chance to see the epic video yet, here ya go:
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Before diving into Camila’s workout routine, a moment of appreciation for her body-positive activism. The star has talked a lot about the effects incessant paparazzi photos have on her, even writing a long note on social media to address people who snapped pics of her in her bikini on vacation.
“I knew I looked ‘good’ in the pictures and thought I would feel accomplished, and yet I’ve never had a worse time on the beach,” she wrote in the caption, adding, “I felt the emptiness and sadness of our culture’s thoughts that became my thoughts.”
Everyone was cheering Camila on for using her platform to call out toxic body image expectations.
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Camila feels strong AF when she’s working with celebrity trainer Jenna Willis, and the two have been getting strong together for a few years now. Based on the videos Jenna has dropped in her IG story, Camila goes all in on these sweat seshes. In one video, Camila walks herself into a plank position using her hands, does a push-up, and walks herself back up. That is no joke.
She’s also quite a dancer, which is a great way to get some cardio in while toning your core and legs. Plus, it’s just a really fun way to work some movement into your day:
On the food front, Camila loves chocolate and Hawaiian pizza. She isn’t big on coffee or tea, at least according to a Buzzfeed interview, but she does enjoy pasta. I mean, who doesn’t?!
Go, Camila, go!
Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at jackietempera.com.
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